During the summer? There's a large calendar with everyone's schedules on it, it's posted at least at the beginning of the month. There may also be an online version, I don't know. When you come in in the morning, you get a little D-ring that has your schedule on it. You will likely have at least ...
I was able to know stuff about the biology of the animals, why things are the way they are for certain animals. As an interpreter it's your job to interpret the animals, to relay why they do the things they do. And you didn't have to have a background in biology to do the job - one of the interpr...
College Major
Saint Louis Zoo
They want you to learn. They want you to enjoy the experience, and they will teach you how to succeed there. They also have opportunities to explore other job postings. One of the interpreters I worked with spent a week at camp. There are classes and lectures you can take all the time.
In my case, I got in at 7:30 and I left at 3:30. I'm not a night person, so I had no chance outside of the internship to do much of anything on days that I worked. My coworkers would go out regularly and socialize with each other. There were some days when they didn't work, and most shifts weren'...
A desire to learn as well as to teach, patience, a good disposition, and good people skills. It's very useful to be able to read people as an interpreter. The way you interpret an animal is different for different groups of people. I would deliver the same information, but in different ways depen...