Senior Marketing Specialists

Brand & Promotion Coordinator

August 2019 • Columbia, MO

What I liked

The atmosphere at Senior Marketing Specialists doesn’t feel like a job to me. My coworkers are encouraging, fun to be around and make the job stress free even when we have a hard deadline. I’m going on year 4 and have been growing the entire time!

What I wish was different


My advice would be to put yourself out there! Although there are several different departments within our company, there are so many opportunities where we all get together and can mingle. Branch out and make friends to learn more about each other and the company! You’ll end up making great relationships along the way.
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Licensing Specialist

May 2021 • Columbia, MO

What I liked

The supportive work environment this business provides allows for growth and opportunities in multiple different roles within the company. The leadership provides a fun and competitive work environment to push employees to grow individually. The hiring process was smooth and thorough eith information regarding multiple positions I may be a better suit for.

What I wish was different


The advise I would share is to be willing to learn more than just your specific role to have well rounded knowledge of the industry.
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Communications Specialist

February 2023 • Columbia, MO

What I liked

Everyone is very welcoming and is always available to help when needed. There is so much positivity throughout the workplace and they are focused on you. Truly a family atmosphere!

What I wish was different

I wish there was a little more explanation in the programs and how to navigate the different links and applications with them. There is the Choose You and 12 Months of Giving that helps you personally and the community.


Always ask questions! There will always be someone available to ask questions to even if it’s a question that you already asked.
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